Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Koalas and 'Roos and No Bears--Oh My!

While in Brisbane we visited the Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary--the first and oldest koala sanctuary in the world. I was determined to "cuddle" a koala at the price of $15, timeless photo included in the purchase. We prefer Pete's version of the photo, so that's the one I'm posting here.

There were also a bunch of fenced-in kangaroos that we were allowed to feed. Here's Morgan feeding one:
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Not only did I learn that a koala is not a bear (yes, Morgan and Peter, you were right), but it's a pouched marsupial. Their pouches are much less visible than those of the kangaroo, but they're for the same purpose (housing their young, who only gestate for 20-30 days before making their way into the pouch). They weren't the most excitable creatures given that they sleep 18-20 hours a day due to their low-energy diet of eucalyptus leaves, but they became quite animated when fed.

We had a couple of really great days enjoying the Brisbane nightlife, relaxing at our friendly hostel, and cooking delicious meals for ourselves. On Tuesday morning we flew to Cairns where we're staying at one of the nicest hostels that we've been to so far. A swimming pool, hammocks, air-conditioners, free dinners and DVDs, and not a single bunkbed in the place. The weather is humid and almost tropical and there are lots of nearby rainforests, though it's the end of the dry season here in northern Queensland.

Saturday is our last day at the hostel and then we're going to do a two-day, one-night scuba/snorkelling trip out to the reef, which is about 60 km offshore. Until then we might take a daytrip to the Outback, though we haven't decided yet. Lots of options...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like you are having a great time! I would definitely pay $15 to "cuddle" a koala! Happy to see you so happy:)