Monday, July 16, 2007

The Rain and the Sun

This morning we awoke to a rainbow, which is a common occurence in Hawaii--in fact it's on their license plate. We ended up not going to Kailua because Fran and Martin were going to the Hard Rock Cafe and wanted us to meet them there. After some consideration we decided to stay in. After all, we didn't come to Hawaii to sit in some tourist trap. Fran's directions were, "Walk down to the beach and take a left at the cruise ship." That was enough to deter us, as was the idea of hitchhiking.

There were a few items we wanted to get in town, as well as some groceries, so we set out around 9:30 after consulting our map and agreeing that we would walk the four miles. It was a long way to walk in the sun, especially on a road with no shoulder, but we made it. We decided to hitch a ride back after eating and getting what we needed. It took about 30 seconds for a pick-up truck to stop. The guy told us to hop in the back and dropped us off half a mile from our destination, and all we had to do was give him a wave and thank-you. Not so scary after all.

The rest of the day was filled with rain, so we played Boggle on Pete's mini Boggle set, did laundry, and talked a little bit to Deborah, the neighbor who rents a yurt on Konacopia Farm. She's really nice and I hope we run into her again. It turns out that she lived on East Fourth Street for a few years when she was practicing modern dance in the 80s. Just a few blocks from where Pete grew up. She has a son close to our age, so I think her maternal instincts and curiosity were kicking in.

We were a little disillusioned by Captain Cook--I think it made us realize that we'd prefer to be in a more remote area that wasn't surrounded by huge houses and wealthy vacationers, but then again, it's still Hawaii. As Elizabeth joked when she told us about the salary of a teacher in Kona, "The pay is one-third sunshine."

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