Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Getting there is half the battle...

So you've probably noticed that Micaela and Pete have been slacking a little on the blog - well, you can blame me for that (at least partially). After some contemplation, though more on a whim than anything, I decided to join them in the "Land Down Under". Since it was cheaper to fly to Honolulu and then to Sydney, I made a 3-day, 2-night pit stop and stayed on Waikiki Beach before continuing on my way. This first leg of my journey involved two, 6-hour flights with a 4-hour layover in Las Vegas. The second leg of the trip was the worst! I endured a roller coaster ride from Honolulu to Sydney. I say "roller coaster ride" because for the first 2 hours of the flight the plan shook violently from side-to-side as we encountered some of the worst turbulence I've ever experienced. Upon our approach to Sydney I was elated to finally spot land, but it wasn't long before my hopes were dashed and replaced by my worst fear... the plane suddenly made a sharp, banking U-turn back out over the ocean and the only thing I could see out my window was the sky. My stomach dropped as the woman next to me shouted, "Jesus Christ!" Thankfully after a few minutes we circled back and landed safely on the ground.

The Australian customs agent confiscated my stash of Slim Jims (brought for emergencies) in the airport as he laughingly informed me, "You can't bring meat products into this country and that includes Slim Jims." I didn't have the energy to argue about the meat content of a Slim Jim, so I sadly handed them over and went to find a taxi. I took a cab to a hostel in Sydney and immediately went to sleep upon arrival. With the 20-hour time difference between Honolulu and Sydney I had lost almost an entire day.

The next morning I boarded a Greyhound bus for Brisbane where I would meet up with Micaela and Pete. The ride was a mere 16 1/2 hours! The bus stopped for 3 "meal breaks" which all consisted of a roadside gas station selling some form of deep fried seafood, meat pies or other deep fried items coated in various coagulated sauces. This was my introduction to the Australian diet.

When I arrived in Brisbane at 11:30 pm, I called my sister and let her know that I had made it. She said to go outside and meet her and Pete by the front steps of the transit station. As soon as I turned to look down the street, I saw a hand wave and immediately recognized Mic and Pete. I ran across the street and into her arms for a long awaited reunion. After travelling alone for almost a week and not having seen her in several months, I began to cry out of happiness. I had almost forgotten that I had a destination and I was finally there!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice, we're glad you finally made it safe and sound. You two look very happy!

Matt and Brittney said to say "hi". Keep the updates coming, some of us will only experience things by reading them. Thanks and be safe.